

University Business School

About University Business School


University Business School (formerly, Department of Commerce and Business Management) has been imparting quality management education to develop dedicated, innovative and effective managers, researchers and teachers for four decades. The rechristening of the Department of Commerce and Business Management as University Business School (UBS) in 1995 by the Panjab University, symbolizes the recognition of completeness and maturity of the Department as a center of management education in India. The transformation from a Department to a school has given it a distinct identity as a 'School of Thought'. The philosophy of the management education at the UBS is built on an integrative value system. It is motivated by duty bound work ethics, human approach and scientific temper. The philosophy of the school is translated into a mission of creating wholesome personality of human beings with a view to produce effective managers, researchers and teachers. Modern attitude, practical wisdom, knowledge and skill relevant for management are deeply ingrained in the students.

The school uses rigorous multifaceted pedagogy with an effective interface with the industry to translate the mission into action. It creates opportunities for its students to enhance their understanding of economic, social and political environment to broaden their horizon not only to adjust to change but to become catalyst, and to develop their power to conceptualize, decide and communicate.

The faculty of the UBS trained in India and abroad, has earned international recognition in the industry and academia. The students produced by the school have made a mark in the world of business. The school has been recognized by the University Grants Commission under Special Assistance Programme for the following thrust areas, Supply Chain Management, Accounting and Business Finance-Social Responsibility and Human Resources Accounting (HRA), Investment Decision Making and Innovative Financing (with special reference to corporate social responsibility and HRA.The University Grant Commission has also covered the University Business School under its prestigious ASIHHS Program.

UBS has consistently been among the top Business Schools of India. A number of top business associates of top companies in India, visit the college to participate in the placement process.

The faculty interacts with industry through consultancy assignments, management development programs, and industry focused research and case studies. A good number of top executives from the industry in and around Chandigarh take regular classes at the school, which helps in imparting pragmatic sense to the teaching-learning process. In addition, management luminaries are invited for special lectures.

Practical experience in the actual work environment of the industry is the necessary component of the full time management programs. It is compulsory for every student to go for a summer training of eight-week duration at the end of first year so that students can relate their class-room learning with the reality of management and second year program becomes more goal-oriented and meaningful. The students take Research Project based on specific industry focused problems in fourth semester.

The School is well equipped with the modern methods of teaching and teaching aids. The course work is demanding. The performance of the student is continuously evaluated through class participation, written assignments, class tests in addition to mid-semester and end-semester examinations.

UBS has a well-organized placement cell. This vibrant cell is driven by the students themselves.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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